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  • 500 Sk 2001 - Advent of the third millennium
  • Slovak Republic after 1993

    500 Sk 2001 - Advent of the third millennium -> Proof

    Sold Out






    31.10 g



    Variant code





    45.00 mm


    P. Kovačovský

    Product code



    Coins and medals


    Period after 1918


    500 Sk 2001 - Advent of the third millennium

    The year 2001 represents an exceptional temporal milestone in the history of humanity. It is the first year of the twenty first century and the first year of the third millennium. The beginning of the new millennium is often connected with ideas about the future of humanity and a vision of progress in all areas of human knowledge. The beginning of the millennium is also an occasion for seeking an answer to the question of the meaning of the existence of human society and the person as an individual. Whether humanity uses new knowledge and possibilities to improve the quality of life and in the interest of the common good will be influenced by its moral maturity and ability to realize its responsibility for the life of the present and future generations, as well as for the protection of other forms of life on the Earth. On the obverse of the coin, space, the main motif, is represented by a contrast of the three metals in different colours - silver, gold and platinum. The Sun is depicted in the center of the gold disc, with an eye as a divine symbol for looking into the future. The astrological symbols of the planets are placed in the iris of the eye at the junction of the metals. The Earth and other planets of the solar system, indicating our place in space, are part of the design. The name of the state SLOVENSKA REPUBLIKA is placed by the side of the coin, at the top of a triangle divided by the coat of arms, below which is the date 2001. On the lower margin of the coin is the face value 5000 Sk.

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